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About British American Institute

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Welcome Parents and Students,


In 1992 a dream was realized. My late husband, Ing. Xavier Peniche Reyes Retana and I, founded British American Institute. Our main objective was  to teach children through happiness while immersed in an English-speaking environment and emphasizing our Latin heritage.


The road has been paved with constant challenges that we have  managed to overcome simply because of our genuine love for children and our perseverance.


It is with gratitude and joy that I welcome you and your children to our school. I hope you will find not only excellence in education, but a group of individuals committed to offering a safe and happy atmosphere so that your  children  may  develop a passion for learning and  never cease to grow.


Our goal is to contribute to the development of children who will become responsible citizens, people who will uphold and live by  their values, giving of themselves to their community, country and planet. 


In the words of Albert Einstein..”only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”


With sincere appreciation,


Lilián Encinas-Villagrán

Founder and Counselor



Bienvenidos Padres y Alumnos,


 En 1992, mi esposo, el Ing. Xavier Peniche Reyes Retana y su servidora, fundamos British American Institute. Nuestro principal objetivo es educar a través de la felicidad, mientras los alumnos están inmersos en el idioma Inglés y enfatizando nuestro legado cultural Latino.


Los retos a través de nuestro camino han sido constantes, sin embargo, los hemos vencido simple y sencillamente por nuestro genuino amor por los niños y nuestra perseverancia.


Es con gratitud y alegría que les doy la bienvenida a ustedes y a sus hijos. Confío en que no solo encontrarán excelencia en educación, sino a un grupo de individuos comprometidos a ofrecer un ambiente feliz y seguro donde sus hijos desarrollen su pasión por aprender.


Es nuestro propósito contribuir a su desarrollo con el fin de que crezcan a ser ciudadanos responsables, personas quienes realmente vivan sus principios y den de si mismos a su comunidad, nación y planeta.


En las palabras de Albert Einstein..”únicamente una vida vivida para el bien de los demás es una vida valiosa.”


Con sincero aprecio,


Lilián Encinas-Villagrán

Fundadora y Consejera

Our Commitment

British American Institute is committed to offering excellence in education through the teaching of the English language. We also aim to raise generous citizens who will actively and positively contribute to the betterment of their community, country and planet.

Our Philosophy

Our motto, "Educare per felicitas", literally means to educate through happiness. We strive to give children the loving and supporting environment needed to maximize their educational experience. 

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